Let's get this house built!

We are so excited that you have received your Co Home Planner. Let's get your build or renovation organised!

Now you have your physical planner, let's add some printables inside. 

We have a large range of printables available on our website.

The following two are our gift to you!

Supplier list (It is so handy to have your build contacts all on one page)

This Week's Plan (you have some of these printed inside your planner, but in case you need more, we wanted to offer you a digital version)

If you would like to download these FREE printables, just click on this link, add the above downloads to your cart, then use the code "COHOMEFAM" in checkout.

Enjoy your build journey and keep in touch with us on instagram, we would love to see how you are progressing. If you are wanting to document your build jouney on instagram, check out our instagram templates below!

Easy to use templates for your instagram

Please find below details on planner inclusions and how to best use them:

  1. Inside left pocket: When you first open your planner, you will see a pocket behind the pen holders.  This is a great location for larger paperwork like A3 plans.

  2. Ruler: Handy for marking up floor plans or drawing up ideas in your grid pad (located at the back of your planner).

  3. Pencil: Hidden in the zipper pocket

  4. Metal Pen: Hidden in the zipper pocket

  5. Sample sleeves x 2 (clear): A great place to store receipts, paint swatches, fabric samples or any loose small paperwork.  If you love using these inserts, you can purchase more under ‘products’.

  6. Sticky notes: You can write on them, use them as bookmarks, stick them down, move and reuse.  Handy to mark or drawings  on grid pad or make notes on floor plans, furnishing pamphlets, contract or quotes.

  7. Organisation tabs:  Design: floor plans and layouts, Colour + Inspo: colour selections, images and ideas, Furnishings: finishes, furniture and fittings, Financial: budget, invoices and receipts, Contracts:  builder's contract.

  8. Weekly to do lists: Use and date weekly to document your build progress.  Once the week is over, carry over unfinished tasks to the new week and move old list to the back.  If you require more lists, these can be ordered online.

  9. Grid  paper pad: Draw up floor plan changes, plan out furniture layouts for rooms (to scale).

  10. Gift box/Sample box: Place to store your larger samples. Use with the divider or without depending on the size of your samples.